2536 Lincoln Way | Ames, IA 50014
Monday: 9:00AM–5:00PM Tuesday: 9:00AM–6:00PM Wednesday & Thursday: 9:00AM–7:00PM Friday 9:00AM–6:00PM Saturday: 9:00AM–3:00PM
book an appointment onlineDoug Ziminski is from Northport New York. Cosmetology School: Marcel School of Beauty NYC, BS in Psychology from SUNY at Stony Brook, BS in Chemistry from ISU. We opened Leedz Salon 1990 in the heart of campustown ISU. Our salon provides a total full service experience focused on client service and technical experience. We pride ourselves on doing things right. Advanced Education and Experience: Styled hair for NBC National News anchor, Discovery Channel, IPTV, Fox Series Channel, local Channel 13 afternoon makeovers, CH 5 and 8. Published and had covers in Modern Salon, Passion Hair, Inspire Hair, Salon Today 200 Top Salons and the DM Register, Hot Hair and featured in America Salon and Launchpad. I love this business and have worked with some of the most heartfelt passionate people in this industry!
To book an appointment please call (515) 292-4034 and ask for Doug!